Why we chose Mendix
A few years ago I visited a Mendix meeting. That would be the future I was told, so together with my companion I decided to take a look. Unfortunately for Mendix, but we were not particularly impressed. (I think we're talking about five or six years ago.) A nice system to generate some screens based on a database model, but that's it. You couldn't make apps with it, just web applications. And building more complex applications with external links and complex business logic was certainly not something we could have imagined. But when we did another research on low code platforms last year, we saw that Mendix had made great strides in their development. So much so that we thought: we really need to do something with this. This is really the future. It solves so many problems that you encounter with traditional development - just think of (in)stability and (non) adaptability - and it makes development so much faster, you can just do a lot more with it. To cut a long story ...