
Posts uit juni, 2019 tonen

How to: Locking in Mendix to get a unique number

A few days after our flying start in Mendix, we ran into a nice Mendix challenge. We found out that Mendix doesn't have a default mechanism to lock entities. But sometimes you need it to get things done. In our case we'd like to have unique numbers. Unique for each order and unique for each organisation we have in the system. Autonumbering wiIl not work, because each organisation want to choose their own starting number. If you want to do this on the fly, you need a locking mechanism to avoid duplicate numbers. In the past there was a app store module facilitating this, but Mendix removed the support for that. Because it doesn't work well when applications are horizontally scaled. We looked for a way around and - together with Bart Luijten from Mendix - we found an interesting and easy to implement solution. It's based on the fact that a microflow waits to change an entity when this entity is changed and committed in another, parallel running microflow. How ...